Phase 4: Queries.


You should run a number of test queries to see that you have loaded your database in the way you intended. The queries listed below are those that your clients (managers from the retail enterprise) may find of interest. They may provide further hints about database design, so think about them at the outset of your work on this project.
  1. Give the top-20 users by the number of comments they post.
  2. Give the top-20 users by the number of replies they post.
  3. Give the top-20 users by the number of like/dislike they post.
  4. Give the top-10 websites with the most requests for article comments.
  5. Give the top-10 websites with the most sales this month/week/year.


  • Update the report. The report will be updated after each phase and uploaded in Canvas. The report must be to the point and contain:
    1. Test queries to see that you have loaded your database in the way you intended.
    2. Screen captures that shows that queries were executed succesfully.
    3. Describe the challenges you met while implementing this phase of the project.
    Start early!