Phase 2: Design the Relational Model.


  1. Create relational schema based on your E-R diagram.
  2. After creating an initial relational schema from your E-R diagram, refine it based on the principles of relational design.
  3. Create relations in your database.
  4. If you refine your design, you discover flaws in the E-R design, go back and change it (even if the earlier design passed the checkpoint.) Your final E-R design must be consistent with your relational design.


  • Update the report. The report will be updated after each phase and uploaded in Canvas. The report must be to the point and contain:
    1. Relational schema based on your E-R diagram.
    2. Queries to create relations in database.
    3. Screen captures that shows that queries were executed succesfully.
    4. Describe the challenges you met while implementing this phase of the project.
    Start early!