DIMACS Workshop on Faster Exact Solutions for NP-Hard Problems
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2000
- 8:45
- 9:10-9:40
Finding the closest lattice vector when it's unusually close
--- Philip Klein, Brown University
- 9:45-10:15
An Exact Algorithm for 3-Coloring ---
David Eppstein, University of California, Irvine
- 10:20-10:35
- 10:40-11:10
Maximum Independent Set Algorithms: Improved Analysis ---
Mike Robson, Universite de Bordeaux
- 11:15-11:45
Robust Algorithms for the Stable Set Problem
--- Vadim Lozin, Rutgers University
- 11:50-12:20
Applying structions to the independent set problem
--- Richard Beigel, DIMACS and University of Illinois
- 12:25-2:25
- 2:30-3:00
Algorithms for k-SAT based on Covering Codes
Edward Hirsch, Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg
- 3:05-3:35
Faster Exact Solutions for Max2SAT ---
Jens Gramm, University of Tuebingen
- 3:40-4:10
Using poly-time SAT decidable and recognisable hierarchies of
conjunctive normal forms for improved SAT decision and general
lower bounds on resolution with oracles
--- Oliver Kullman, University of Toronto
- 4:15-4:35
- 4:40-5:10
Improved Exponential Time Algorithms for Vertex Cover ---
Jianer Chen, Texas A&M University
- 5:15-5:45
On Efficient Fixed Parameter Algorithms for Weighted Vertex Cover
--- Rolf Niedermeier, University of Tuebingen
Thursday, February 24th, 2000
- 9:00
- 9:30-10:30
Satisfiability Testing: Theory and Practice
(Invited Talk) --- Bart Selman, Cornell University
- 10:35-10:55
- 11:00-11:30
Exponential Algorithms for SAT and MAJSAT
--- Michael Littman, AT&T Labs Research and Duke University
- 11:35-12:05
Complexity of k-SAT --- Ramamohan Paturi, University of California, San Diego