Using poly-time SAT decidable and recognisable hierarchies of
conjunctive normal forms for improved SAT decision and
general lower bounds on resolution with oracles
Speaker: Oliver Kullman
I consider (cumulative) hierarchies of uniformly poly-time SAT decidable
and recognisable classes H_k, k >= 0 of conjunctive normal forms, such that
the union of all H_k either gives all unsatisfiable clause-sets ("U-hierarchy")
or additionally also all satisfiable clause-sets ("A-hierarchy").
The associated "hardness parameter"
h(F) := the minimal k with F in Hk
is defined for all clause-sets F in case of an A-hierarchy, and only for
unsatisfiable clause-sets F in case of an U-hierarchy.
Every A-hierarchy yields a SAT decision algorithm (searching through
H0, H1, ...), while for an U-hierarchy additionally an upper bound u(F)
on h(F) is needed, so that the algorithm can also terminate on satisfiable
instances (at level u(F) + 1).
We consider three families of hierarchies and discuss the meaning of the
corresponding hardness parameters, the corresponding SAT algorithms,
and the (nice) relations between these hierarchies:
- the A-hierarchy Gk(U, S), quasi-automatising (relativised) tree-like
resolution and yielding natural and "quasi-precise" lower bounds on
(relativised) tree-like resolution for all(!) clause-sets;
(here U is an "oracle" for (fast) unsatisfiability detection, and
S is an "oracle" for (fast) satisfiability detection)
- the U-hierarchy Wk(U), yielding the best known general(!) lower bounds
for (relativised) dag-like resolution; (again U is an "oracle" for
(fast) unsatisfiability detection)
- the A-hierarchy CLS(k) of clause-sets F such that for all subsets F'
of F the number of clauses in F' minus the number of variables in F'
is at most k (this hierarchy is an application of matching and matroid
The first two hierarchies have been introduced in
Finding the closest lattice vector when it's unusually close
Authors: Philip Klein
Speaker: Philip Klein
Lattices arise in algebraic computation, in integer programming, and
in cryptography. The lattice generated by a set S of rational
vectors is the set of linear integer combinations of those vectors.
If the vectors of S are linearly independent, S is called a
basis for the lattice.
One fundamental computational problem concerning lattices is the
closest lattice vector problem: given the basis of a lattice, and
given a vector x not in the lattice, find the vector in the lattice
that is closest to x.
This problem is NP-hard. We give an algorithm that solves the
problem; however, the time required by the algorithm depends on the
distance between x and the lattice, and on the quality of the basis.
The algorithm is an application of a modification of randomized