Lab 4: Spelling Bee Game

In this assignment, you will write a jQuerymobile mobile app: Spelling Bee Game.


  1. When user clicks "next word" your app will pick a randon entry from the wordlist files and pronounce the word entry.
  2. User enters the word in the textbox and clicks "check answer" button. If the spelling is correct, you display "corrent" in the textbox. Otheriwse, you display "wrong".
  3. If user clicks "Listen again", your app will pronouce the word and definition for user.
  4. You dislay all history word and answers at the listview.
  5. User can select from levels: "Beginner", "Intermediate", and "Advanced".
  6. User cannot click "next word" before "check answer" for the current word.
  7. Use your imagination to add more functions and design the interface.



Check the resouece link for the word lists and TTS (text to speech example). If TTS example does not work for you, try different browsers.

word list: Beginner Intermediate Advanced

TTS example: Read a word
