Lab 3: Loan Calculator and Amortization Table

In this assignment, you will write a jQuerymobile webapp that calculates the monthly payments for a loan, given the loan amount, interest rate and the duration of the loan. The finished web app will look like this:

Part 1. Loan Calculator

Loan Calculator

Lab 3 requirements:

1. jQuery and jQuerymobile libraries must be downloaded and linked from the local path.

2. Your webapp must work without internet connection.

3. Verify if user input is valid

4. There is no "calculate" button. Whenever the amount/rate/term is changed, the payment is automatically recalculated.

5. Add a toggle switch for year/month switch.When the year/month switch is toggled, payment is recalculated.

6. In the input textboxes, restrict the non-digit inputs. (hint: keypress event).


Loan Amount: $20000$

Interest Rate: 6.75%

Loan Term: 30 year


Your monthly payment is: $1297.20

Total interest is: $266991

Total payment after 30 years is: $466991

Part 2: Amortization Table

When the collapsible list "Amortization" is clicked, your webapp display the amortization table for the given loan.

Amortization Table


Amortization Table


1. How is an Amortization Schedule Calculated?