Lab 2: "Visit Philly" Mobile App

The purpose of this lab is to practice writing basic jQueryMobile pages. The finished page will look like this:

Art Museum Ticket Reservation

Lab 2 Resources

  1. Resource.txt

Exercises for Today:

  1. Create a folder caled VisitPhilly. In that folder, create an empty web page "index.html"
  2. Create an empty page
  3. Include the jquery, jquerymobile links
  4. jqeurymobile files
  5. Add the main page
  6. main page
  7. Add the museum pag
  8. Museum page
  9. Add the theme to the page, header, footer
  10. theme
  11. Add "Back" button to the museum page (insert this into the header section)
  12. back_button
  13. Add the 3rd page: Ticket reservation for independece hall.
  14. theme
  15. Add form to the reservation page (replace the content)
  16. form
  17. Add time select (insert into the form)
  18. select time
  19. Open your "index.html" file in a browser, observe if the pages, lists, and back buttons display correctly.
  20. Upload your folder "VisitPhilly" to the web server, and observe the pages on a mobile device.

Extra Credit: Add more topics

Use your imagination and add two sections to your app. Please refer to "" and "". You may add "Plan your trip", "Restaurants", "Philadelphia Today" etc.